Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My Master Student's Life at Waseda University

y real Master student’s life in Japan began. For this fall semester, I take seven subjects; I have to make strong efforts especially on subjects that are quite new to me such as Basic of Modern Finance Theory, Economics and Social Impact Analysis of Telecommunication. For other courses like Industry R&D Activity in Information and Communication Technologies, Internet, International Standardization and Info-Communication Industries, Ubiquitous Health and Welfare Information System, and Media Industrial Organization and Policy are okey, I guess. Let’s wait and see ..

I would also like to take a course “ CIO theory”; it is quite interesting; will consider it next semester then…..

Most are bilingual courses, English and Japanese, because students came from different directions for the world; some cannot understand Japanese, while some cannot understand English, therefore, two-pronged approach is worthy used in this situation.


Borort said...

interesting courses..

Life in Japan said...

You should also share us your courses at AIT

Anonymous said...

That's is fantastict course. Just to hear kor heardach de.

Dilara TAN said...

helloo:) im just a student from Turkey. i just need to talk to you little bit.I just need some info to make my plans real.
I am a student of Marmara University at "French language teaching department"(my last year) and also i am a student at "English lang. teaching department" as a double major.
My bf had lived in Japan for five years and he has his phD from Waseda University. We are planing to move to Japan. I am thinking about getting master dagree from Waseda University in any subject. It could be from "Teaching english as a foreign language".

I know that it is out of your subject. But without knowing any japanese can i do that? What should i do to be accepted? What do i need to do?

I am far from any info. If you can help me I ill be grtful.

Thank you very much...