Thursday, September 18, 2008

JDS - Japanese Grant Aid for Human Resource Developement Scholarship

1. ITP exam
After submiting your complete application form, you are required to take an English exam, ITP test (paper based TOEFL style).(Min score: 500)

2. Application screening
When passed the 1st stage, your form will be sent to the relevent university (Waseda in my case). Professors, Operating Commitee, relevent Cambodian Govt Ministry will screen your application and decide if it is doable, and useful for the development of Cambodia.

Research plan is very important in this stage, you must read a lot and decide with aspect you wanna focus on.

3. Techinical interview
It is conducted by professor from your selected university. (one to one)
You must be clear and know everything you wrote in your form. You should read your research again and again, and anticipate what qustions can be raised during the interview. The questions are varied from one to others depended on your research plan. For example, can you tell me briefly about your research plan? Why are you interested in this topic? How can your research result help the economic development of Cambodia?

4. Comprehensive interview
This is the last stage. You should be confident enough :-)
The interviewers might come from different ministries: Ministry of Education Youth and Sport, Japanese Embassy, and so on. They test your general knowledge, or can be more on your research topic. For instance, After returning back from Japan, where are you going to work for and why?


Han4U said...

これ は おもしろいです。

Life in Japan said...

はんさんは ごじぶんに 機会を あげて ください.